Just a small town girl.......

Denise Kartsimas is the owner and founder of dk Design and has been serving the Lafayette area for over 20 years. Her desire is not to make something look good but improve the lives of her clients.  

As a small-town girl from Rayne, Denise has a unique charm that only comes with small-town roots. Growing up, she always marveled at the spaces around her. Then, Denise found herself at USL for college, where she initially was heading to law school but realized that her true calling had more to do with fabrics, colors, and creating. She earned a Bachelor of Interior Design from USL. She remembers her mom being such a huge support in her journey to where she is today. 

Southern Hospitality is one of the many pillars that Denise rests on as well as a great glass of rose'.  

Denise puts her clients at ease with how she makes them feel at home making decisions.
Clients often come to Denise with ideas and a name for what they want, but they leave with a curated space that meets their expectations and embodies so much more than interiors.. 


It's all in theDetails.......

Denise knows that when you create a space, you want to live there and be surrounded by the things that remind you of who you are and keep you grounded.
This is why Denise knows that elegance has nothing to do with luxury or designer labels but with the pieces of your story that invite people to get to know you when they come into your home. 

 To know Denise is to love her.  The moment you meet her, you are entertained and put at ease. Within 5 minutes of meeting with her, she has you laughing and feeling like you have known her your whole life.  

 Denise lives these values in her own surroundings.......

".....it's a cluster, but I am surroundedby things that matter to me."  -Denise

Denise's philosophy is that things should be more personal than perfect. So if you walk into her home, you are greeted with small pieces of what quilts her life together. 

Taped on her grandmother's mirror is a picture of her dad, who passed away 8 years ago. 

She works in a bold tiger print chair with small details of her life all around.

And looking over her are Jamie's hunting prizes which Denise has somehow made look as if they were picked especially by her

"I miss my Dad every single day of my life and always will... he was my hero and I can't wait to meet him again." Denise

Her Inspiration.......

Amusing Facts

.......I love my job not only for the joy a finished product gives my clients-but the interaction with those clients. 

I don't discriminate when it comes to cocktails, but I prefer sparkling brut rose' and fancy champs.

Contrary to what you may assume when you meet me- I love to shoot skeet and be outdoors riding 4 wheelers in rubber boots-or heels.

I don't sleep much.. don't need it!  I will sleep when I die!

I have a perfume I wear that is very distinct and is liked by most- I can't change it... I've tried!

I like to always be dressed when out and about... you never know who you'll run into.

I strive to be HAPPY and find the positive in every situation, but I am happiest when my girls are happy.

I love to have live plants in my home....orchids & maiden hair ferns,  but I don't have a green thumb.... so I rebuy as needed.

I love to travel....

I love being a girl mom....

I go 90 to nothing and if I slow down at all.... I am probably  sick!

My hair is my personality...

If you want to know Denise's inspiration, look no further than her family.
Denise has two girls that allow her to enjoy Friday night lights and lots of dancing.

Her girls even designed the dk design logo with their mom's "favorite neutral" leopard print.

She is married to Jamie Kartsimas, who does a great job of going along with all of the shenanigans....


Kind Words

Janice Bourque

Nita Harrington

Mackenzie Hebert

I knew we were kindred spirits when she said leopard print was a neutral.

Her energy, enthusiasm, experience and knowledge results in not only beautiful but functional design.

She made what would normally be stressful (building a house), a pain free process... She is a literal breath of fresh air!

let's Work Together

Contact me

phone number

(337) 280-4133

